Satya Dev, who won the hearts of the audience last year with his performance in 'God Father', is currently doing an action thriller titled 'Garuda: Chapter 1'. Marking his birthday, producer Abhish...Continue reading
'Ravana Kalyanam' is the title of an upcoming pan-Indian actioner launched earlier today in the presence of VV Vinayak, Sathya Dev (who awaits the theatrical release of 'Gurthunda Seethakalam' and ...Continue reading
Director Srinivasa Reddy, whose 'Ragala 24 Gantallo' released recently, announced his next. It is titled 'Bharya Devo Bhava' and the director said that ten heroines will be paired with a 'famo...Continue reading
Close on the heels of the arrival of 'Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya', Satyadev Kancharana has signed on the dotted line to do one more film. Titled 'Thimmarusu', the film will be directed by Sharan K...Continue reading
'Gurthunda Seethakalam', the remake of 'Love Mocktail' (Kannada), is hitting the cinemas on December 9. Satyadev Kancharana, Tamannaah Bhatia, Priyadarshi, Kavya Shetty and Megha Akash are its prim...Continue reading
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