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Rave party raid: Srikanth, Hema counter media reports


On Monday, news channels claimed that a few Telugu film celebs were detained after a raid on a rave party in Bengaluru. Srikanth Meka and Hema have been named in the reports. It has also been speculated that choreographer Jani Master was also at the party. So far, the media has indulged in all the speculations merely based on vague, indecisive visuals/images.

A while ago, Srikanth issued a statement saying that he was not there at the party at all. He added that reports of his detention have caused him and his family members so much distress. He refuted the reports categorically and urged journalists to verify the truth before propagating something.

Hema released a video clip in which she claimed that she was not even in Bengaluru and that she was staying at her farm house. However, it has been alleged by a section of the media that the farm house from where Hema had shot the video clip is in Bengaluru.